June 17, 2009

Ouabache Archers Score State Wins

After qualifying for the state ASA championship five Ouabache Trail members came home with championship buckles Sunday.

Winners (left to right) were Mark Utt, Open C, Brock Ridgley, Bow Novice, Andy Yochum, Unlimited, Jeremy Sullivan, Open B, and Chuck Roche, Super Senior.

People who didn't shoot the ASA qualifiers and championship missed out on a great day. The Boar's Nest was set up to be a real challenge, almost like John Thompson would do it! Many shots at dark targets set in the shadows from stakes set in the open. More competition would have been welcome. But the Ouabache Trails shooters beat everyone whether they were there or not!

These archers are now eligible to compete in the ASA nationals to be held at Ft. Benning, Georgia, in July.