December 03, 2009

2009 Member List

Here is the 2009 membership list. If you paid your dues and your name is not on the list, please contact me.

Calrk, Allen
Cardinal, Mike
Cook, Jeff
Cooper, Shane
Decker, Ron
Decker, Wally
Don Kiser (F)
Ferrell, Vergil
Hathaway, Doug
Howard, Scott
Kays, Kenny
Kent, Mark
Lane, Cody
Lemon, Bill
McKinnon, Barry
Ravellette, Mike
Ridgley, Brock
Roche, Charles
Sullivan, Jeremy
Tarter, Tom
Thompson, John
Utt, Mark
Weger, Bob
Willis, Brian
Yochum, Andy

We want to make sure all members have an opportunity to attend the annual dinner meeting and help select officers and board members of 2010.

Links Added

Check out some of our links to other sights. They can provide you with some great information about our favorite sport.

The Archery Learning Center is a target oriented site that can provide a bus load of good advice. The founder of the site, George Rayls, GRIV, put on a seminar that I attended last summer. He does a great job of explaining solutions to problems shooters might have. Check it out.

Club News Update

The schedule has been finalized and will inculde the first Sunday of each month beginning in March and continuing through September. The exceptions are April 11th instead of April 4th. Seems Easter falls in there somewhere. The other is we will have no shoot in July since the first Sunday falls on July 4th.
March 7
April 11
May 2
June 6
August 1
September 5

We'll be shooting the same classes and we'll be shooting from the same stakes as last year. There will be an increase in entry fees this year with non-members fee being $10.00 and members fee being reduced to $5.00.

Reduction of the fee for members is not the only benefit for members. Members also compete for Shooter of the Year awards, receive a club tee shirt, are eligible for the Big Buck Contest, and can take part in the annual members dinner for them and their family.

Our member dinner will be January 15th, 2010 with the site to be announced.

We won't be hosting an ASA state qualifier this year as we have in past years. We've attempted to host qualifiers in the past but participation has been low and haven't produced many shooters for the state championship.

October 24, 2009

ASA National Schedule Set

For the few that might be interested the ASA Pro Am schedule is available from their web site, for 2010.

The biggest change is that they are moving the Classic to West Monroe, Louisiana, July 29 through August 1.

October 16, 2009

Big Buck Contest Underway

The big buck contest for members of the Ouabache Trails 3D Club is underway. You members can check your biggen's in at the Boyz Bow Shop, 302 Willow Street.

The club banquest will follow right after the end of deer season in January. Each club member will get a 2010 Tee Shirt and the Shooters of the Year will get their award shirts at the banquet.

September 07, 2009

Are You A Member? Check In

Our membership list has been corrupted and we have some members who paid but don't show up on the membership list.

Please check the latest newsletter and see if you're listed among the members there. If not, contact the Secretary, Chuck Roche, at 812-890-5988.

Sorry 'bout that.

July 13, 2009

Ouabache Members at IFAA Shoot

Just a couple of pictures from the IFAA 900 round shoot held at the Iraqouis Club near Remington, Indiana last Sunday. Kenny Kays and Chuck Roche from Ouabache Trails Club participated.

This the shooting line at the IFAA event. In this event 30 arrows are shot from 40, 50, and 60 yards. Six arrows are shot in each of five "ends" at each distance.

Ouabache Trails president Kenny Kays scored a Robin Hood during his 900 round. That must explain the happy smile on his face, eh?

At 40 yards the shooters only shoot three arrows at a time. This is the results on one of the targets shoot by Chuck Roche's group. There was more than on Robin Hood and lots of busted nocks and splintered arrows!

July 07, 2009

Scenes from July 5th Shoot

Here are a few pictures from the July 5th shoot. Some 56 shooters registered including several first time shooters. Several of the targets had their scoring sections replaced giving better aiming points. The replacements have the IBO scoring rings.

A group of five shooters, who shall remain nameless, lucked out with five 10's on the panther.

Jeremy Sullivan takes aim on the gray wolf while the peanut gallery waits to criticize his effort.

Tom Tarter and John Thompson watch Brock Ridgley "pinwheel" the bear.

June 17, 2009

Ouabache Archers Score State Wins

After qualifying for the state ASA championship five Ouabache Trail members came home with championship buckles Sunday.

Winners (left to right) were Mark Utt, Open C, Brock Ridgley, Bow Novice, Andy Yochum, Unlimited, Jeremy Sullivan, Open B, and Chuck Roche, Super Senior.

People who didn't shoot the ASA qualifiers and championship missed out on a great day. The Boar's Nest was set up to be a real challenge, almost like John Thompson would do it! Many shots at dark targets set in the shadows from stakes set in the open. More competition would have been welcome. But the Ouabache Trails shooters beat everyone whether they were there or not!

These archers are now eligible to compete in the ASA nationals to be held at Ft. Benning, Georgia, in July.

January 19, 2009

Awards Dinner Held

The Ouabache Trails 3D Archery Club hosted its awards dinner Saturday, January 17th, at Ouabache Trails Park. Awards were presented for Shooter of the Year in several classes and the winner of the Big Buck Contest was announced.

Tim Beck, Indiana Conservation Officer, presented a program on the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). Officer Beck is responsible for helping create the program in nearly 100 schools across Indiana. According to Beck over 18,000 Indiana students have participated in the NASP.

NASP hosts an annual tournament for Indiana students enrolled in the program. In the most recent year more than 450 shooters from around the state took part in the tournament. He encouraged Ouabache Trails members to become involved in bringing the program to schools in Knox County.

Shooter of the Year winners were presented with shirts which carried the club logo along with the winners name and shooting class. Winners were Doug Hathaway, Robert Lange II, Steve Litherland, Mike Rusher, Brad Hoke, Ashley Rusher, Brett Beard, Brian Rusher, and Neysa Clark.

Mark Kent was the winner of the Big Buck Contest and received a $50.00 gift certificate from the Boyz Bow Shop in Vincennes.

The group recognized the support given the club by Bill Lemons, owner of the Boyz Bow Shop.