February 24, 2011

Changes On The Way

The new officers and board members have met with the Knox County Parks Board and things are on track to open the new 3D season the first Sunday of March. On order are several new McKenzie targets to replace some of the older Rineharts which have pretty much out-lived their usefulness. Also on order are inserts for some of the other Rineharts that will be used this year.

Mike, J.R., and the new team are ready to bring some new and exciting activities for the shooters coming out to Ouabache Trails. Come on out and share the fun!

February 22, 2011

First 2011 Shoot Scheduled

Get it on your calendar! Ouabache Trails 3D club will be shooting its first of the year the first Sunday on March 6th.

There is a new team doing the heavy lifting involved in setting up and running the shoots. Mike Utley succeeds Jeremy Sullivan as President. J.R. Fox, co-owner of Pass Through Archery in Princeton, has taken the reins as the new Vice-President and will be coordinating the work schedule. The new officers are still seeking volunteers to help with running the shoots and can be contacted at the shop or you can reach him at 812-890-6766.

Chuck Roche will stay on as Secretary/Treasurer and five new board members will be part of the new club team. The board members are Travis Thompson, Gene Kosma, Tim Bertram, Jennifer Fox, Kevin McKannan, and Janice Utley.