January 15, 2010

Annual Meeting Report

The annual meeting of the Ouabache Trails 3D Club was held in the Board Room at the Knox County Parks office on January 15th.

Officers and board members were named for 2010, SOY shirts were presented to the respective winners, and other business was completed before adjournment.

Officers for 2010 are:
President-Jeremy Sullivan
Vice President-John Thompson
Secretary/Treasurer-Chuck Roche

Board members for 2010 are:
Kenny Kays (Immediate Past President)
Doug Hathaway (Immediate Past Vice President)
Tom Tarter
Allen Clark
Mark Utt
Brock Ridgely

Member tee shirts were passed out to the attending members. They will be available to members who were paid last year as well as those becoming members in 2010.

It was agreed to buy 5 new McKenzie targets. McKenzie is offering a club special on targets ordered before the end of February. Each target purchased will come with a replacement center. It was decided this reprsents a good value for the club. The new targets will have the unviersal scoring rings, both IBO and ASA.

The current plastic shooting stakes will be replaced with metal stakes for 2010. It was decided that the Pro/Semi Pro distance will be eliminated since we have not had any pros shooting at our club. We will have three shooting stakes set at 25 (white), 35 (yellow) and 45 (green).

Members are looking forward to our first shoot on March 7th.

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